Monday, March 28, 2011

Paris Commune in the News

First of all, let's all wish the Paris Commune a happy 140th Anniversary! March 18 marked the first uprisings that led to the overthrow of the government. March 26 were elections, and March 28 (today!) was the day that Commune was officially proclaimed. Here is text in our play, PARIS COMMUNE, straight from one of the posters for the election made in 1871:

“Citizens: We have defended Paris. Aided by your generous courage, the Paris Guard expelled the government which was betraying us. But our mandate has expired, and we do not pretend to take the place of the old government. This is not a military coup, but a legitimate change of power. Hold communal elections, and we will step down. And let Paris write a fresh page in the book of history!”

Paris Commune is of course still implicitly present in the current revolutions, and Glenn Beck, according to the Huffington Post, is also seemingly talking about "government officials' salaries should not exceed that of the average worker" - an idea that the Commune also had.

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